Top-Rated Kitchen Sink Replacement in Philadelphia, PA

Whether you need dishwasher repair, faucet repair, a new fixture installation, or a garbage disposal installation, you can count on the expert plumbers at Economy Drain Cleaning & Plumbing in Philadelphia County.

Many Philadelphia, PA, homeowners use the same sinks, fixtures, and appliances that came with the kitchen when they purchased their house. The problem is that many of these could be decades old. If you want an upgrade, trust the kitchen plumbing experts at Economy Drain Cleaning & Plumbing. We’re family-owned and operated and offer upfront pricing and a satisfaction guarantee.

Do you feel like you’re stepping back into the 1970s when you enter your bathroom? Call us and ask about our expert bathroom remodeling service today.

Philadelphia, PA, Kitchen Sink Repair & Replacement

Replacing your kitchen sink may not be at the top of your home improvement priority list, but it can affect your kitchen experience and improve the aesthetics. Here are a few reasons to consider kitchen sink replacement.

  • Visible Damage: If your sink is chipped, cracked, or scratched so severely that it’s unsightly and embarrassing, it’s time to replace it.
  • Clogged Sink: Persistent clogs could be an issue with the pipes or the sink itself.
  • Constant Leaks: You can typically fix a leaky faucet with new hardware or seals, but if the basin leaks, it means it’s damaged, usually beyond repair. When the sink’s integrity is compromised, it’s time for a new one.
  • Outdated Design: Your old sink may still technically get the job done, but upgrading to a modern design can give you more space and advanced features, like a deeper basin, low-divide option, or a built-in cutting board, making it more convenient.